St. James Lutheran Church
About Our Church
Mission Statement
By God's grace and guidance, we nourish the hungry in body and soul with the Bread of Life.
Vision Statement
Following God's guidance, we will be known as a loving community of Christ that provides diverse opportunities for worship, education, and service.
History of St James
For more in depth history you can download our full history HERE
In 1904, a group of like-minded people came together in faith to form what would eventually become St. James Lutheran Church. Our first meeting space was in a rented loft in beautiful downtown Brunswick on Newcastle Street. We're excited to say this space is still in existence, and now houses Way Radio today.
Quickly outgrowing this rented space, our congregation stepped out in faith to build our first sanctuary, and later educational building, on Gloucester Street. These buildings were once located in what is now part of the parking lot of Brunswick's First United Methodist Church.
Many of our first families that comprised St. James were from the Scandinavian part of the world, and were later joined by families from the Midwest and northern parts of the United States. Building on their shared heritage, St. James was known for their wonderful food and hospitality. Many strangers found a welcome home in St. James.
In 1954, again stepping out in faith, our Church Council elected to purchase new land near the new Brunswick hospital in Goodyear Park. Building began in earnest; and by 1955, we were ready to move in. The original building consisted of a sanctuary, large dining room with theater, classrooms, an office, and a library. The building has been altered to add additional classrooms, meeting spaces, and bathrooms.
In 1990, our new Fellowship Hall was added to provide additional meeting space, a kitchen, and areas that could be used for additional Sunday school rooms and storage. Also, stained glass windows were added to the sanctuary through donations of members and friends. The new windows were installed in the early 1990s, transforming the interior of the sanctuary.
Later in the beginning of the new century, the Annex was purchased next door. A new office for the pastor, along with meeting spaces, additional storage, and restrooms were added.
Wonderful things are continuing to happen at St. James! Our newest pastor, Marie Kane, is excited to continue to lead St. James into the future. Come be a part of the rich history of St. James. YOU are welcome here!